LUNA and LUNC Cryptocurrencies

2 min readAug 20, 2022


LUNA and LUNC cryptos are presenting talks on the crypto market between the crypto enthusiasts and even the exchanges due to its non-stable network because of which the crypto LUNA collapsed. Here’s why

Terra Luna

Some really good info about the most interesting question in the market right now. That’s about #LUNA and #LUNC cryptocurrencies.

#luna has been in the market with great progress and has been one of the most successful cryptos and many individuals Investors and Crypto enthusiasts wrote many topics about #LUNA and its network. But that’s the past.

it collapsed and it’s all because Terra is vulnerable to attacks and inherently unstable.

Coinbase chart

It was a good idea with bad composition and no proper execution. Cryptocurrencies lack the algorithm which is present in the stock market which is why it’s very high-risk trading in crypto. Yet many people have managed and earned good profits but many lost their fortunes.

LUNC was created as the 2.0 version of the collapsed LUNA. Yet Luna creators forgot that and again launched LUNA2.0 and started a scheme called distribution for old LUNA Investors. Distribution was done based on the holding of Luna by any individuals. Yet it was a disaster distribution. considering the price of the LUNA before collapse and LUNC after launch.

Is the company trying/managing to retrieve it?

Know the detailed analysis here

Stay tuned.

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